Monday, November 24, 2014

58-Pills & Injections

It was hard days. I felt that the pills which were prescribed for me were going to hurt the health of my body. My experience with a previous dentist taught me to be aware of the human errors. My doctor left to enjoy his vacation and apparently forgot me. So I decided to escape swallowing the pills as long as the situation allowed.
A fellow patient entered to our room as a visitor.  I welcomed him and he shook my hand and the hand of my partner in the room in peace. He appeared normal. My partner Ahmed told me to take care of that one that he accustomed to take the towel he sees on your bed and wipe the earth with it. I wondered of that and asked the visitor,
"Why did they bring you to the hospital?"
"I was in a unit in the City Marsa Matrooh," he said, "and one day I went out to walk in its streets and buy cigarettes from a shop. When I was at the shop I saw my own photo hanged in the front. I asked the grocer, 'Why did you put my photo there without my permission?' Then I didn't know what happened after that until I found myself in this hospital."
"What now do you think of your seeing your photo there?" I asked.
"Still I remember I saw my photo there," he replied. Ahmed and me smiled and felt we were before a heavy guest. After a while he turned back and left. We thanked God that he left and I returned to read in the bible.
During the lunch, on a long table that gathers more than twenty, I heard a loud voice outside the hall, from a man crying, ah ah ah. I asked Ahmed about it and he answered,
"The voice we hear comes from the room of electric shocks. Every lunch the man, who cries, refused to join others and insisted to have a table for him alone. He insisted that he was the minister of defense of Egypt Mushier Amer. They told him that Mushier Amer had died. But he refused it."
I shook my head wondering of the case and I thanked God that I didn't say to any doctor that I was Christ. I always told them that I authorized a book and they brought me there for it. When I was asked why, I answered, because it was full of materialism in explaining things in existence. I also didn't tell them about the ghosts or the tiny stars or the voice I heard inside my ears saying, Peace upon you Abdelwahab.  I already knew that they would say that it was sight and audio hallucinations. I avoided hearing that from them. I had known their ways from reading many books and essays of Psychology.
From evening to another, one of the patients with us used to sing with the voice of the famous late singer Abdel Halim Hafez. Really we enjoyed his singing and we used to gather around him outside our rooms to hear him. But I didn't know if he thought he was Abdel Halim Hafez.
One of the patients with us told me he was brought up in Islam but he was subject to feel that he should be a Christian. I asked him,
"Why do you want to be a Christian?"
"I felt it without reason," he replied.
"Aren't you afraid to be condemned to death by the Islamic law?" I asked.
"I didn't know," he said. "I just felt it and told it to my family and friends."
"I wish you think reasonably," I said. "To protect yourself from those who would apply the law on you. We have people hear anxious to kill the people like you."
"I hope to get the necessary treatment here," he said.
In fact I myself didn't consider I had the same case. I didn't consider myself a Christian. But I considered myself the Christ or the Messiah as known in the Arabic language. So, I was not afraid of the law of retarding from Islam. I was of a belief that transcends Christianity and Islam.

                                            To Be Continued!                                                    

Friday, November 21, 2014

57-Hospital of Psychiatry

       At home I thought of how I would spend my time in the hospital of Cairo and I decided to take the Arabic Bible with me to read it all.
       I and the soldier together arrived at the Hospital of Psychiatry at 11 AM. A lieutenant Colonel doctor received us and the soldier handled him a file. He opened and looked into it then closed it, and dismissed the soldier. He asked me,
      "What did you do?"
      "I did nothing," I answered.
      A nurse came and the doctor told her to lead me to my room. Later on, I knew I was put in the department of non dangerous patients.  The room was with two beds, one of them was already occupied with a patient from the army. That one received me with due respect and introduced him self to me. In the upcoming days he became of great aid to acknowledge me with many things in the hospital. So I knew the name of the doctor who had received me and the name of the General of the hospital. He also made me know the names of the patients with us in the department and their specific disorder. 
     Two days passed normally; I took my pills regularly and I read some parts of the bible and accepted the new change. I was still able to see my usual human faces on everything around me. Although they never spoke I felt pleased with them. I convinced myself that they share me their ideas by telepathy. In the third day at about 10 AM, while I was relaxing on my bed, it happened all of a sudden that my fellow jumped in his bed and shouted loudly, "Don't approach me! Keep away from me!" It was something terrifying and surprising. After a while I restored the control and stood watching him. He was imploring to some unseen figures or ghosts to keep far from him. I looked in the direction he looked and I didn't see any thing. The matter appeared as if seeing ghosts is something personal.
      Soon the nurse accompanied with two soldiers came and they managed to give him an injection. He came down and went in sleep.  That incident irritated me then I became used to it. No doctor came to discuss my ideas or converse with me. I started to see that the sweet on my body changed to pale green. I thought that the Kundalini activity worked hard in cleansing my blood from the chemicals of the medicine. However later I noticed that my fingers started to suffer a tremble. So I wanted to complain it to my doctor G.Y. and asked the nurse to lead me to him. But for my surprise she said,
      "Doctor G.Y. in his annual vacation."
      "If so bring me another doctor." I said.
      "Why?" she asked.
      "My fingers started to tremble," I said. "I am sure this happened because of the medicine."
       She brought me a doctor and I asked him to stop the pills. He said,
       "You are the case of Doctor G.Y. and no one can do anything to you."
       "Should I wait till he returns from his Vacation?" I asked.
       "Yes," he answered. "Don't worry; the medicine is good for you."

                    To be continued!

Monday, November 17, 2014

56-Getting Pastry

There were events that happened while being in the hospital but appeared without much importance. Later on and after many years of searching they appeared very important.
   A Christian colonel from my Navy College called G.S. came as a patient and was kept in the room beside my room. I met him by accident. Waking in the corridor I saw him through the narrow opening of the door of his room.  I stood at the door, "High!"  He said, "Welcome Abdo, get in."  I entered and he signed for me to set down on his bed. I asked him about his situation and I wished the healing for him. During the conversation he uttered these words,
    "Useless, Useless, all is useless like catching the wind," said King Solomon. I asked,
     "Where did that was written?"
     "In the book of Ecclesiastes," he answered.
 In the Quran we don't have such details about King Solomon. Later I discovered that what is written about King Solomon in the Quran is made to be for the future as a symbol for Jesus' Return as a King. 
     While being with my friends in the upper room they spoke about supper and they wished to eat pastry. I understood that they were unable to go out of the hospital to bring the pastry. So, I promised to bring the pastry to them. I got out of the hospital and walked the long street to reach the shop of pastry.  While I was walking I heard clearly two persons sitting in front of a shop speaking about me. They said, "Look at this man. He is walking like a man walking in a dream. "The other one said, "Maybe he is drunk."  I didn't look at them and soon I reached the shop of pastry and bought the required amount of pastry and returned. My friends were very glad to see the pastry and it was a good supper.
       Ahmed entered the hospital because of disorder in his ear. He said,
       "We were in a maneuver to use the cannons on the ship. The sound of a shot made the drum of my ear tear. I cried loudly and my fellows brought me to the hospital. Doctors said I needed an operation and reserved me to prepare for it."
       "Why did only you get this disorder from the sound of the shot?" I asked.
       "I was standing nearer to the cannon," he answered.
Later on, I saw the importance of that event of my friend Ahmed, when I read about Babaji who appeared in India in the seventeenth century.  And I could know that Babaji was Jesus while being in heaven. I confirmed it by analyzing the action/reaction rule. The reactions of the actions of Babaji appeared in my life in the same way Jesus' reaction appeared in my life.
        At last the doctor came to me and said,
        "You will be transferred to the Hospital of Psychiatry in Cairo. A soldier will accompany you to it with your file. "  
After a while a soldier came to me to appoint the time of meeting on Saturday to take the train to Cairo. It deserves to mention that the doctors didn't prescribe any pills or injections for me during the week in the Fig-Hospital.