Sunday, December 28, 2014

61- Son of God

I was still in the period of searching the details of my new experience and I was filled with the hope to be equipped with the power of Jesus as known before. I thought of the meaning of those pictures. In the next weekend I traveled to my home in Alexandria and knew that my wife had met my mother and sister at the market; and she told them about going to the hospital in Cairo. They felt worried and I received their worries as golden pictures. It seemed that their emotion of worries was kept in another dimension waiting for me to receive them. The other two pictures proved to me that my walk to any place was predestined by a Higher Authority. So my walking in the desert as a dangerous place was predestined either I saw the path or not.  

I took the Bible with me to go and sit in the garden. I passed by a man sitting on a rocky chair and greeted him, Peace! He didn't reply and I excused him because I had known that he was a patient of depression. He never spoke to anyone in the group and always kept alone. I moved on and chose a secular place to sit and read. After a while a patient came running toward me from afar, from the direction of the department of dangerous patients. I felt tensed knowing that he was coming to me but I didn't know his intention. I kept calm and soon he reached at my place and sat down on the ground before me without a word. He kept silent for a while and I did the same. I put my hand on my hair and he imitated me by doing the same. I caught my nose and he caught his nose. I shook my leg and he shook his leg. I wondered of that case which I had never seen before.  I managed to keep sitting without motion and he did the same. The weird silence became the master of the situation.  The minutes passed very heavy. Then suddenly he said,
"You are God, isn't it?"
"Yes," I answered believing that I should not object him to keep him calm. One doesn't know the reaction of the dangerous patients.
"You are God and you are sitting on the throne, isn't it so?" he asked.
"Yes," I answered.
"And we are now in the paradise and these are the trees of the paradise," he said.
"Yes it is," I said.
"You can say be and it be?" he asked.
"Yes," I answered and listened carefully to his complaint and I could hardly understand that he loved his cousin girl but her family refused this marriage and now he wanted me as God to do his wish. I comforted him and promised him to fulfill his wish. Soon he returned to his silence.
I stretched my arm to make my hand become very near to his body. Soon I felt that there was a current of tinny particles moving inside my arm through my hand to him. I wondered of that and hoped for him to be healed. After a while a nurse from his department appeared from afar and shouted for him to go to her. He stood up and went running to her. I didn't know if he was healed or not. But I was happy that it passed peacefully.
This experience was stored in my mind and appeared later when I read a book for a Christian who wrote: If Jesus was not God he would be the greatest liar in the world. His expression was very sharp and I was to solve the puzzle. As I knew Islam the solution seemed difficult because Muslims couldn't accept God in the human shape. The history brought to us the story of the Sufi Al Halaj who was crucified because he said: There is nothing inside my body except God. 

Friday, December 12, 2014

60- Alone In Desert

It seemed that the dialogue with the doctor activated him so that the nurse came to me to give me an injection. I objected but she insisted and I got the injection. Soon I slept.  After I awoke my partner Ahmed said, "You have been sleeping for two days."  In the weekend I went out to spend it with the family of my uncle at Al Maadi. My aunt told me that my cousin Z.N. was in his day of duty in his unit. I left her to visit him in his unit. After spending two hours or more I found myself in the middle of a desert at sunset. There was no one to show me the right way to his unit. I walked on the light of the moon with the hope to meet any person to guide me to the correct direction.
For my good luck a soldier with a motorcycle stopped beside me, "Where are you going? This place is very dangerous to walk in it. It is full of savage wolves."
"I came to see my cousin who is a captain on duty today," I said. "But I was lost."
He asked me about the name of my cousin and his unit and I answered him. He said,
"You are lucky that I am going to that unit to deliver messages," he said, "get on beside me."
I got on in the box attached to his motorcycle and he drove on. After about half an hour we reached our destination. It was a surprise to my cousin. He welcomed me at the door of the unit then accompanied me to the room of rest to introduce me to the chief of the unit, who shook my hand with peace and said,
"Sure you are a faithful man. This desert is full of wolves. The soldier of messages doesn't come everyday. Thanks God for your safety."
I thanked God too. But my cousin who didn't know my last change smiled but didn't comment on the saying of his leader. His previous idea about me as an atheist was still in his mind. During the supper the leader spoke of a big serpent that was discovered in their unit and they killed it. We spoke also about the peace treatment which President Sadat made with Israel. After the supper I went with my cousin to his room to sleep.
I stretched on my bed in thick darkness. When I closed my eyes I saw three successive picture drawn in golden lights and were accompanied by the impression that they were for my mother, sister and wife. My mind restored what I heard about the danger I had been applied to in the desert. Then suddenly I saw clear natural pictures, one for two old foreign persons wearing hats on their heads; they seemed as man and wife walking in Unknown Street.  The second was for a bearded man leaning on his stick and seemed like a bigger.
This phenomenon of seeing pictures just before going to sleep happened many times after my transformation. It appeared as if there was a camera moving freely to show me pictures from the world just before going in deep sleeping.  In the morning my cousin awoke me and told me that he was unable to go out of his unit before noon and I could get on a car going out. Soon I put on my clothes and said good bye. He promised to visit me in the hospital and I thanked him left.
While being in the car I saw the tops of the Pyramids of Giza. I asked the driver to let me get off at the nearest point of the Pyramids. When I got off and walked a little I saw the same picture I had seen at night. There were two old foreign persons with hats on their heads walking ahead of me. When I was at the statue of the Sphinx an old man leaning on his stick approached me, "I am living at the near tombs. My name is Mohammed the Poet. When you need me come to the tombs and ask any one there about me and they will lead you to my place."  I thanked him and left wondering why he told that to me.  Why should I need a man living at the tombs? After making a tour around the area I left for the hospital.

Later on, I thought of the meaning of those pictures. In the next weekend I traveled to my home in Alexandria and knew that my wife had met my mother and sister at the market; and she told them about going to the hospital in Cairo. They felt worried and I received their worries as golden pictures. It seemed that their emotion of worries was kept in another dimension waiting for me to receive them. The other two pictures proved to me that my walk to any place was predestined by a Higher Authority. So my walking in the desert as a dangerous place was predestined and I was guarded by the power of God.    

Friday, December 5, 2014

59- Serpent Power

I read much of the Bible and the days passed quickly. But a strange thing happened my feeling toward the Bible changed without reason. In the past, as an atheist, I read part of Genesis and I criticized it as full of mistakes. But now I started to like its way of explaining the creation. I was happy to know that Jesus had read it. I noticed that the name of Melchi Sadek king of Salem who met Abraham is written in Genesis as king of Shalem. But my mind was not ready to understand the truth behind the similarity with the name of my father and grand father.  And I wondered why Abraham should give the tenth of every thing to Melchi Sadek. 
However, the Bible seemed as an ocean full of limitless contents. Later, when I studied the Letter to Hebrew I understood the reason. That was after several years when I compared my situation with the situation of Melchi Sadek. Jesus had known it and that's why he once spoke of the city of Salem (Jerusalem) as the city of the great king. It made me search the libraries for something about the history of Jerusalem just after finishing my days in the hospital of Cairo.

I hated being kept in the hospital and I went to the office of the General. I saluted him and he paid attention to me. I said,
"Sir, I am not ill. I authorized a book and they authorized that I was ill and led me to here. Please allow me to finish my being in here."
"Can you get that book to me?" he asked.
"Yes I can," I answered.
"Okay in the weekend, bring it to me," he said. "If you come with it and don't find me in the office leaf it to me here."
"Yes sir!" I said, and saluted him and left.
In the weekend I went out and left for Alexandria. My wife wondered of my long absence in Cairo and I comforted her and told here not to inform my parents about going to the hospital of Cairo. On Friday, I visited my parents and spent an hour with them. Then I got on the train to Cairo with the book in my bag. I delivered it to the General in his office and left to wait for his decision. I hoped of leaving the hospital as soon as possible. But I was to wait for another week to give the General the time to see the contents of my book.
A doctor under training met me outside my room and started a conversation with me by asking about my name and case. I told him about my book and he told me that he saw it in the office of the General. I asked him whether he opened it and he told me he just saw it. I asked,
"Did you know any thing about the Kundalini phenomenon?"
"What is that?" he asked.
"It is a phenomenon mentioned in Yoga," I said. "This phenomenon is connected with the back bone. They say that the rise of the serpent power in the back bone develops the spiritual power."
"Why do you ask about it?" he asked.
"It happens to me," I said. "But I hoped to know its meaning in the medical sciences."
"How does it happen with you?" he asked.
"I get sensation at the bottom of my body just under the sexual region. After a while this sensation happens at my heart; then it happens at the top of my head at the crown center."
"This might be a sour in the nerve system," he said.
"I don't think so because this phenomenon is described in several books of Yoga. And they always say that it is the Yoga of the Masters."
"What is its benefit to the Masters?" he asked.

"They say when the serpent power reaches the crown center the Yogi becomes in connection with the Universal Spirit."
"What do you mean by the Universal Spirit?" he asked.

"It is the Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit." I answered. He smiled and asked the excuse to leaf.