The getting down of Esa(Jesus):
In the beginning of my searching for the truth of the inspiration which told me I am the Christ I asked a fellow Christian about the second advent of Christ. He said, At the end of time Christ will come in the sky to abduct the church to him. I asked him, What do you mean by the church? Do you mean all the buildings with their people? He replied, Yes. I wondered of that answer because I had not read in Islam anything like it. Really when the inspiration came to me I was very far from all religions so that the idea of the coming of Jesus from the sky which was taught to us early was missed in the memory. If it was in the memory I wouldn't accept the notion. When my fellow surprised me with his claim I had to search for its root in the parts of the gospel which I didn't read yet. I found it in a letter to Paul,"We will meet Christ on Air."
One day I heard the workers on TV speaking about a meeting on air. Immediately I understood that God enabled people to create the TV for making that prophecy come true. However the idea of getting down from heaven in Islam is told but not stressed. Come now to some of the talks and keep in mind the idea of selection which God uses in making the prophecies comes true:( All Talks are taken from the book 'Permission of Telling What said of the Getting Down of Jesus' by The Muslim Imam Anour Shah from Kashmir.' ) I ask my Christians not to hate adding Islam to your knowledge.
"Esa(Jesus) will get down from heaven. When you see him know him by these signs: He is medium tall, his color is between white and red, his hair is long and smooth, he is with two uniforms, and his head looks wet without water." The verse in Quran tells," Jesus is smart in the world and in the after world."
*The memory of that came when I finished the period of the new students in the military college. While we students were standing in lines by the new uniform the officer of the company came and passed before us and stopped at me and said,"Very Smart!" I said,"Thanks sir!" and restored the attention with a hit from the foot on the ground. In the Revelation John saw a man with white hair. He saw Christ as an old man. So the Quran tells," Jesus speaks in childhood and in old-hood." This destined the appearance to be in the old age. One day a friend greeted me from a far distance before meeting me on the street. He said, I thought your head was wet; it seems that the white hair shines in the sun and makes it as wet. The two uniforms are the civil and the military uniforms of Egypt. So all came true.
"While the false christ is doing his deeds Jesus will get down at the light-house east of Damascus, in two Mahrosaht putting his palms on two angels. The infidel will die if he meets the wind of his spirit which ends at the horizon. He will seek the false christ and find him at Bab Lode and kill him."
*I told you before in item one that I lived in Palestine Street. This street lies in a wide area by the name Mahrosaht. Also Egypt is famous by the name Mahrosaht. So the two Mahrosaht came true. The getting down at the light-house came true. I lived in Alexandria which is a sea port and has a light-house. As an officer in the Navy I visited that light-house several times at the Navy Base. So you ask about the east of Damascus. It can come true by visiting it later. Its sign came as a name of a shop in my area. As Christ can't be a killer so the deed of killing is mysterious. Sartre who was supposed to be killed by Christ made a good book named The Existence and Nonexistence. According to his idea the thinker dies when his thinking dies. So when people realize that God exists and He judges the deeds the existentialism dies and its author dies too. The idea of the two winged angels was approached. I started when I was a major with two golden eagles on my shoulders.
"Jesus will get down a just governor"
" When Jesus gets down he will marry in earth."
" He will have two boys"
" He will pray after Al Mahdi "
* To be the governor of the world is the mission of Christ in this age. The marriage came true. The two boys came true. The praying after Al Mahdi will be explained in a next sign. It is not like most teachers thought.
To Be Continued !
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