Thursday, February 21, 2013

40-Coincidence or Destined Plan?

Get the bible and read:
Hebrew 6:20 "On our behalf Jesus has gone in there before us, and has become a high priest for ever, in the line of succession to Melchi-Sadek.
7:1" This Melchi-Sadek ( Melchizedek ) was king of Salem and a priest of the Most High God.....
7:3"There is no record of Melchi-Sadek's father or mother or of any of his ancestors.
7:4"You see, then, how great he was. Abraham our famous ancestor, gave him a tenth of all he got in the battle.

      Ponder in that and recall the past at the time of Jesus. Herod asked the chief priests and the teachers of the law,"Where will the Messiah be born?
They answered:" In the town of Bethlehem in Judah. For this is what the prophet wrote:' Bethlehem in the land of Judah you are by no means the least of the leading cities of Judah; for from you will come a leader who will guide my people Israel.' "
     Sure you don't take the fulfillment of that holy writing as a coincidence when it happened in Jesus. Because you compare between the holy writing and the actual event. And when you inspect the books and find more points applied to Jesus you know that it was a holy program or a destined plan from God. Every thing about Jesus was written in some how in the Old Testament before his birth. His birth from a virgin was not a coincidence. His name as Jesus was not a coincidence. His healing power was not a coincidence.
     Apply the same method to the present case. 
(1) My name after the second birth became The Messiah El Sadek Salem. This is comparable with the holy writing " Jesus has become a high priest for ever in the line of succession to Melchi-Sadek. This Melchi-Sadek was king of Salem and a priest of the Most High God..."  You see that the name of Christ entered to my name to be in the line of succession of Sadek. The second name Salem which means peace defines the task. Exactly like that Jesus as a name defines the task of saving.
(2) The historical Melchi-Sadek lived in Palestine in the time of Abraham. Compare that with my living in Palestine Street in Alexandria. See how the holy writing tried to embody in the new situation.
(3)It is written, there is no record of Melchi Sadek's father or mother or ancestors. Compare this with the same case in the present that there is no record of my father or mother.
(4) Meditate in the holy writing: Melchi-Sadek remains a priest for ever, and notice the verb remains as for the present. 
     Are these points were coincidences or destined plan from God? Before you judge know that I was born for uneducated Muslim family who didn't know the bible, in a village with non Christian in it. And I am sure that if they knew that those names come from the bible they would do their best to change them. The above points come from the bible. Now come to another point from Islam from Mohamed's Talk about the return of Jesus ( Esa):
(1) Jesus ( Esa) will descend from Heaven and he will marry in the earth.
(2) Jesus will have two boys.
(3) Jesus is medium in height.
(4) Jesus is with long hair and his color is between white and red.
(5)Jesus will descend in Mahrosaht-eh which means two Mahrosaht which is an Arabic name for guarded. 
All these points came true exactly in me. The two Mahrosaht came true in this. Egypt has the famous name Mahrosaht. And the street Palestine mentioned before lies in a wide area called officially Mahrosaht. Is all that coincidence or a destined plan made by God?

1 comment:

  1. I will wonder of those who may say coincidence. Sure they might say so to rest their minds from taking part in this great task.
