Chains of Will and Bliss: This subject, however difficult to translate
from Arabic, I shall try to simplify it to be clear. The people of the bible
know that God started with Abraham to do the holy task. So, Abraham was
followed by two sons, Ishmael and Isaac, then Jacob, then Joseph. Also the
people of the gospel wrote about the chains of the ancestors of Jesus. Like
that was made in the task of the Muslim Sufis. Many chains of Sufis were
registered along the history. They represented the connection with Allah after
the death of their prophet Muhammad.
One day I was in the market of old books and got a book printed in
Libya. The author is Abdel Salam Alasmr Alfitory; the title is Al Wisiah Al
kobry. The author was a Sufi from the tenth century H. (Sixteen century A.D.)
He introduced his Sufi' Chain titled by The Aroosian Chain, and added,
"Our Sheikh Abn Aroos shared two chains; The Aroosian and The
Shazlian. He took the Aroosian for the will and took the Shazlian for the
bliss." The following is the text in Arabic Page 63, from the book, "الوصية الكبرى"
"وكان شيخنا ابن عروس مشاركا
الطريقتين وهما العروسية والشاذلية. فالعروسية أخذها للارادة وأما الشاذلية فأخذها
للتبرك. فأما طريق الارادة فهى ما تقدم انفا وهى السلسلة العروسية فقد أخذها على
العجمى من شيخ الى شيخ الى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. واما طريقة التبرك فقد
اخذها عن الشيخ الفقيه الامام العالم العلامة القطب الزاهد ابى عبدالله سيدى محمد
المجاهدى. فقد اخذ عنه شيخنا ابن عروس طريقة عجيبة فائقة شاذلية..."
The text in Arabic is clear to the Arabic
understanding that it is full of words from the dictionary of marriage. I found
out that I married to a young woman called Miss Shazly according to it. The
matter seemed that the text was written in certain code that can't be solved
except by the one whom it was directed to him.
The name Abn Aroos can be taken
as the bride of the Son. The title of the book, Al Wisiah Al Kobry, can be
taken as my will is to marry the elder. In fact when I knew the family of my
father in law Al Shazly I found he had four daughters their elder was the one I
chose to marry. However some of my family suggested to marry the younger
daughter, but I insisted to marry the elder daughter.
Moreover, the chain of Sufis whom
the author introduced to us under the title The Aroosian Chain is expressed in
the terms of road or way or method. A sign was given to it; the street in which
Miss Shazly lived contained a shop by the tag Amroosy in front of her house. It
means that not any Shazlian young woman was destined for me but this one. The
names Amroosy and Aroosy are different only by the letter m that can be taken
as part of the code or to point out to marriage.
Al Shazly was a historian Sufi known among most Muslims. One day, my
wife and I were looking in the photos we had and saw that one of them looked
like the ex-president of USA, Bush the father. I understood that he might be
the reincarnation of the Sufi Al Shazly. When I recalled that I had read in the
book of, Animating the Science of Religion by the Sufi Al Ghazaly that the Sufi
Al Shazly said to his disciples, "I looked at the sky and prayed much to
Allah to make the Kotb (Pole) the Al Gamea (Gatherer) the Ghouth (Savior) in my
home until the day of the end and I heard a voice from heaven, So, be it
In the days of the invading of Kuwait by Saddam I saw that Bush made the
above prayers came true. USA seemed as the chief of nations and Bush seemed as
the only Pole in the world. He gathered all nations against Saddam and could
free Kuwait. This confirmed me that Bush represented the return of Al Shazly.
His name was Ali Bn Abd Allah Bn Abdel Gabar Al Shazly; from a village in
Tunisia called Shazelht. That's why the
voice from heaven called him by Ali. It is clear now that the voice he received
from Heaven was the voice of Jesus while being in heaven.
The author Al fitory made many prophecies. He prophesied that the big
signs of the hour of the end, explained before, would appear in the 15th
century H. It came true that the big signs started in the end of the 14th
and extended to the start of the 15th century H. in which we live
now. However, he also said that the Day of Resurrection would come in the first
day of the 16th century. I believe that was a prediction of a big
disaster. I believe that the material world will continue by the mercy of God.
And the End told in the holy books is the end of a holy project or hope that
all peoples of the globe will unite politically. Amen!
The marriage of Jesus after his returning back was prophesied by
Muhammad in one of his Hadiths. He said, "When Jesus descends from heaven
he will marry and have two boys." That prophecy came true, before I knew
it. I married orally in 1973, and the wedding happened in 1974, and I had two
successive boys in 1975 and 1976. And after my transformation I got a girl in
1983 as an addition to the bliss of the prophecy.
Add to this subject that the marriage of my father and mother was
destined in the same way. In a book about Sheikh Syed Al Badwy we read that
Sheikh Salem from Tanta traveled to Mecca in Saudi Arabia to make the
pilgrimage. Al syed Badawy already
dreamt in three successive days that he visited Tanta of Egypt. When Sheikh
Salem met him and asked him to come to Tanta he promised to do. In Tanta Al
Syed Al Badwy settled and had many disciples. The two holy monuments of Sheikh
Syed Al Badwy and Sheikh Salem are now lying near each other in the same square
in Tanta.
The wonder here is that my grandfather for my father is called Salem and
my grandfather for my mother is called Al Syed Al Badawy. However I know that
most high learned people here in Egypt do not consider those Sufis as important
and some people accuse them but I was to tell the facts related to my case. The
same thing repeated with respect to the religions of India. They refuse them
but I was to show some facts related with my case which proved I made holy
tasks there. It seems that God wants to gather all peoples in me.
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