Saturday, January 30, 2016

89- Saint Germain

A man called Saint Germain appeared in the period of Renaissance and many wrote about him what needed long contemplation. Was that man Jesus in disguise? From an essay in Wikibidia I quoted the following:
*As one of the ancient wisdom Saint Germain is credited with near god-like powers and with longevity.
*Sometimes he is called Ascended Master like Jesus; known in France in the 18th century as great adept.
*Many groups honor him as a supernatural being. He is believed to have many magical powers such as the ability to teleport, levitate, walk through walls, and to inspire people by telepathy among others.
*He is said to telepathically influence people who are seen by him as being instrumental in bringing about the new civilization of the Age of Aquarius.
*Some sources write that his name is not familial, but were invented by him. He reminds us that the art and true nature of energy movement is simple physics. He is here to assist in humanity transition from "Old Energy" of force and duality into the new energy, which is expansional and accessible with ease.
From a book by the title, The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross, I quoted the following about Saint Germain:
*They detected him in many European Countries and its courts.
*He had been living in France, on the most familiar footing with the French king, Mme. de Pompadour, M. de Belleisle and others. He had been granted an apartment in the castle of Chambord and had made a certain figure in the country.
*In December 9, 1745, he is said to have been in England for two years and had confessed that he was not passing under his real name, while refusing all information as to his origin and identity.
*He revisited Paris about 1757 and according to Madame de Genlis her father was a great admirer of his skill in Chemistry.
*In April 15, 1758: Writing to Frederick the Great Voltaire mentioned Saint Germain, "who will probably have the honor of seeing your Majesty in the course of 50 years. He is a man who never dies and who knows everything."
*He is reported at St. Petersburg in 1763, "played a great part in the Russian Revolution."
*1763 he was at Brussels, as appears in a letter of Graf Karl who regarded him as the most singular man whom he had ever seen, affirms that he witnessed his transmutation of iron into a metal as beautiful as gold, his preparation and dying of skins, silk, wool, etc. all carried to an extra ordinary degree of perfection, as also his composition of colors for painting. There is no need to particularize further considerable evidence exists for the fact that Saint Germain had signal skill in Chemistry.
*Between 1763 and 1769 he was said to spend a year in Berlin, where he became acquainted with Abbe Pernety who was a considerable figure in Hermeticism and High Grade Masonry.
*We hear of a Countess Von Gergy, who met him at Venice in 1710, looking about forty five years, and fifty years later she talked to him at the court of Louis XV, no older to outward seeming by a single day. When she said that he must be a devil he was seized with a cramp-like trembling in every limb, and left the room immediately.
*It is said he died on February 27th, buried on March 2nd, 1784; but there are reports show that he appeared after that. He attended the Masonic Congress at Paris in 1785. Mrs. Cooper Oakly saw him with her own eyes at the execution of Marie Antoinette and several events such as, on the eve of the murder of the duc de Berri in 1820. It seemed as if he attended his own funeral.

To be sure that Jesus played the role of Saint Germain I should find reactions related to past actions in my autobiography, as I did in previous chapters.
The first thing which attracted my attention was that Saint Germain was brilliant in Chemistry and he taught many people in Chemistry. That brought to me the memory of a very strange incident from the period of my high school. Once, the teacher led us the students to the laboratory of Chemistry to examine us. We got the materials, the testing pipes and the paper of questions to mix the materials and record the results.
When the time finished the teacher passed by all students and looked into their papers and questioned some of them. But when it came to me he didn't look at my paper or question me and gave me the full mark. Of course he did so knowing that I was a superior student not only in Chemistry but also in Physics. Voltaire whose name came in the quotation was a scientist whom we studied in Physics in high school. It seemed that Saint Germain had a hand in teaching him.  As I was very active students in my schools I can say that all that period was reaction to the growing activity of science.
I recall that, once I was carrying a book of Philosophy, borrowed from the library, among some friends and the teacher of maths joined us. On seeing the book of philosophy in my hand he said, "Why? You should be busy only with your subjects."  Politely I said, "Sir, I don't lack studying my subjects." He smiled and said, "I know. I will appoint you to represent me in the class in the Day of Teacher." "Thanks sir!"
I recall that in the day of joining the high school I was sitting with my file on a chair and a student came and sat down beside me. We were waiting our roles in offering our files. The student spoke with me,
"I am from Riad Preparatory School," he said.
"I am too from Riad," I said.
"They say that the one who is the first of Riad is Abdo," he said. As I know I was the first of Riad two successive years I enjoyed listening to him.
"They say he is brilliant," he added. "And he is able to solve any mathematical problem without paper and pen."
"You don't know Abdo," I said, "Do you want to see him?"
"I am anxious to see him," he said.

"I am he," I said. As soon as I said this the fellow stood up and stretched his hand to me with congratulation and shook my hand with warm and great feelings. Later on we became good friends in the high school and he became a doctor in medicine. 

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